Postdoctoral Research
Current research project at UCL´s Bartlett School of Architecture and the Institute of Education
Postdoctoral Research
Current research project at UCL´s Bartlett School of Architecture and the Institute of Education
ERC Postdoctoral fellowship - Group Hultzsch
ETH Zürich, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
Project led by Dr Anne Hultzsch
Current research project at UCL´s Bartlett School of Architecture and the Institute of Education
Current research project at UCL´s Bartlett School of Architecture and the Institute of Education
Lessons for civic engagement in architecture and the built environment from the Urban Studies Centres Network and their situated pedagogies in Britain 1968–1988
PhD The Bartlett School of Architecture - Institute of Education
University College London, UK.
Supervisors: Jane Rendell / Kathryn Riley
Bartlett Global Commission on Learning Environments
Bartlett Global Commission on Learning Environments
Research assistant for Professor Alexi Marmot and Dr Clare Melhuish
University College London, UK
Master thesis for a degree in Architectural History at The Bartlett School of Architecture supervised by Adrian Forty
Master thesis for a degree in Architectural History at The Bartlett School of Architecture supervised by Adrian Forty
Traces of Language, Behaviour and Ideology in Modern Architecture
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UK
Supervisor: Adrian Forty
Thesis to achieve the degree of Master in Architecture at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile supervised by Horacio Torrent
Thesis to achieve the degree of Master in Architecture at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile supervised by Horacio Torrent
Neighbourhood Commercial Centres
Redevelopment of Shopping Plaza Los Cobres de Vitacura 1978-2010
Escuela de Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Supervisor: Horacio Torrent S.