The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an architect
The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an architect
Former firm owner of Neim Arquitectos Asociados with Sebastian Mundi and Pedro Hoffmann, a Chilean architecture studio with 10.000 square meters of experience in public buildings, learning environments, workspaces, residential and refurbishment projects.
The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an academic
The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an academic
ERC Project Women Writing Architecture 1700-1900 - ETH Zurich
Revista Materia, Chile
Revista ARQ, Chile; Revista de Arquitectura, Chile; UAI World Congress of Architects; Anales de Arquitectura, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile
ETH Zurich, Chair of Architecture and Construction, Professor Adam Caruso
ETH Zurich, Chair of Architecture and Care, Professor Anna Puigjaner
Urban Room Toolkit - Urban Room Network
Bartlett MSc Learning Environments - Effective Learning Environments
Living Maps Network - Maps for Social Change
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada
Master in Situated Practice / Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Master in Learning Leadership / Institute of Education, UCL
Housing Acts, History & Theory - David Roberts / Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Architecture, Year 3 - Bruce Irwin & Catherine Philipps / University of Westminster, UK
Interior Design, Year 1 - Luísa Alpalhão, Rashid Ali & team / University of East London, UK
Unit 22 - Izaskun Chinchilla & Carlos Jimenez / Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Unit Pedraza Aguiló / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Architectural History II Modern Tradition
with Professor Horacio Torrent
Undergraduate / Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Montevideo 2009 with Architectural History II Modern Tradition
in collaboration with Arturo Scheidegger and Hugo Mondragón
Buenos Aires 2012 with Architectural History II Modern Tradition
in collaboration with Horacio Torrent
The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an architect
The work of Sol Perez Martinez as an architect
21 July 2018
This one-day symposium at Tate Exchange, hosted as part of the School of Civic Action by public works, explored ways to engage critically with our urban environment. Throughout three sessions participants discussed spaces and methods proposed to foster meaningful relations between people and the places where they live.
Ideas for Civic Action, brought together practitioners, researchers and community groups who have worked connecting people with their surroundings in order to share practices and discuss further action. The event showcased initiatives where architects have been aware of the social and political implications of their work, aiming to encourage a more conscious way of practice which serves community interests.
May 2018
One day symposium at UCL that discussed the past, present and future of ‘urban rooms’ and ‘civic schools’ in the UK to inform the vision for UCL’s Urban Room at its new campus in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford. This event brought together practitioners and thinkers of different generations who have worked engaging people with their surroundings in order to discuss further action. It uncovered their history, discussed its current iterations and explored future possibilities.
The symposium was accompanied by a keynote lecture by Christine Gaspar, director of the Centre for Urban Pedaagogy New York, and an exhibition of current proposals in Britain and archives of original material from past urban rooms in the UK.
The Spatial Engagement Network sought to connect researchers and practitioners interested in pedagogy, places and politics across University College London and beyond. Based at the Bartlett School of Architecture, it offered sessions to promote socially and politically aware research and practice in architecture and other built environment professions. Founded and coordinated by Sol Perez Martinez, the network supports researchers at the crossroads between environment, civic engagement and education creating a space to discuss the role of design in learning and politics, and vice-versa. The Spatial Engagement Network was an initiative funded by The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL.